Etsymetal Blog Carnival: "Influences"

Artist's Work That Has Influenced My Own

This is a short spin around my virtual gallery of inspirational artists I turn to  when I need to feed my creativity. Perhaps they don't  influence my work in an obvious or direct way but they are there in the background, always. I could happily add so many others  artists -Terry Frost, Barbara Hepworth, Ben Nicholson. jewellers - Wendy Ramshaw, Nora Fok

I hope you enjoy these as much as I do. Please click the artists' name for more information.

Lesley Strickland

Wouter Dam

Paul Feiler
Naum Gabo

Jaqueline Mina
Please take a look at these talented etsymetal artists and their inspiration.
1. Theresa - 
2. Kate Jones - 
3. Fluxplay Jewellery (Maria Whetman) - 
4. 2Roses - 
5. Elizabeth Scott - 
6.Andrea Ring- 
7. Nodeform - 
8. Beth Cyr 

9. Inbar Bareket 
10. Cynthia Del Giudice: 
11. Evelyn Markasky: 
12. AdobeSol - 


  1. Very inspiring artists, Su! Thanks for sharing!

  2. what a great grouping. that is what artists do, find connections where others see none. thank you for introducing new artists to me.

  3. Wow! Great article and I love the artists you are influenced by. Thanks for sharing with us!

  4. Wonderful sculptural works by these artists. They have that bursts of colors, like in your work.

  5. Ooooooooh, Paul Feiler! Love it! He's a new one for me, thankyou.


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